There has been an increase in auto thefts in the Denver area during the first part of 2021. This trend came with the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020. Last year, there were 1,035 auto thefts in January, 927 in February and 1,148 in March. The Colorado Auto Theft Prevention Authority’s Metropolitan Auto Theft Task Force already recorded 6,669 cars stolen in January, February, and March in the area of Adams, Arapahoe, Broomfield, Denver, Douglas and Jefferson. Denver accounted for 2,390 of those thefts.
Auto Thefts in Denver Area Escalating
“If trends continue as they are, we’ll see another more than 40% increase in auto theft in the Denver metro area for 2021,” said Mike Greenwell, head of the theft task force. “Auto theft not only deprives our neighbors of critical transportation for work, school, and other family needs, many stolen vehicles are used in the commission of additional felony crimes,” said Chief Paul M. Pazen. “To help address this issue impacting our community, we are working to raise awareness and encourage residents to partner with us in preventing auto theft to the greatest extent possible.”
The most popular cars that have been stolen and roughly how many.

Chevrolet Silverado: 325
Ford F250: 248
Honda Accord: 241
Kia Optima: 201
Hyundai Sonata: 197
Honda Civic: 184
GMC Sierra: 144
Ford F350: 139
Hyundai Elantra: 138
Kia Sportage: 127
6,669 cars have been stolen and 6,098 vehicles have been recovered. However, these recovered vehicles are often not in the same condition in which they were stolen, which is another reason to ensure theft deterrents are in place.
How can you be safe?
Keep your car safe by locking vehicle doors and keeping the windows rolled up. Remove your keys, fobs, and valet keys from the vehicle when you exit. Having a steering wheel lock or alarm enabled also could deter thieves. Drivers should not leave their car unattended while it’s running and park in secure garages whenever possible. Denver Police said officers will continue high visibility patrols to deter criminals and prevent auto thefts.