Joe Biden has been called many names through his presidency. From taunts such as ‘Sleepy Joe’ to ‘lets go Brandon,’ republicans and conservatives have been more than vocal with their displeasure for Biden and his administration. In this article we will look at the different nicknames Joe Biden has been given throughout his presidency, and by default, also look at some of Biden’s biggest blunders while president.
‘Joe Hiden’
In a series of tweets from President Trump, the Republican leader called him “Joe Hiden” saying that Joe Biden had been “hiding” in the basement of his Delaware home during the campaign. “Joe Hiden’ gets off his airplane, grabs and shakes a rather stunned man’s hand (like in the old days), then touches his (Joe’s) face and mask with the same hand. No crowd, no enthusiasm for Joe today. Law & Order!”
‘Sippy Cup Joe’
Fox News host Hannity displayed a sippy cup on air with the presidential seal on it, claiming Biden was currently asleep after having his “warm milky” from his sippy cup. Hannity pulled out the sippy cup on air to mock Biden over the White House calling a lid. (no further announcements or appearances are expected for that day) “Sippy Cup Joe” is also believed to be a combination of other options from Hannity’s list of nicknames. Other Hannity nicknames for Biden have included “Quid Pro Joe,” “Appeasement Joe,” “Basement Joe,” and “the Big Guy.”

‘Sleepy Joe Biden’
A nickname originally given by Trump, “sleepy Joe Biden” was in reference to Biden not having energy and being sluggish. The nickname was solidified by the public when Joe Biden fell asleep during the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow, Scotland.n This came after “Sleepy Joe Biden” had warned U.S. military service members this past summer that climate change was the “greatest threat” to America’s national security. The threat must not be too imminent if we have time to nap during the meeting.
‘Let’s Go Brandon’
During a NASCAR race at the Talladega Superspeedway in Alabama. Brandon Brown, had won his first Xfinity Series and was being interviewed by a Sports reporter. The crowd behind him was chanting “F—- Joe Biden.” The reporter suggested they were chanting “Let’s go, Brandon” to cheer the driver. The phrase “Let’s go Brandon” has been used increasingly in republican and conservative circles. Veteran GOP ad maker Jim Innocenzi has no qualms about the coded slight. “Unless you are living in a cave, you know what it means,” he said. “But it’s done with a little bit of class. And if you object and are taking it too seriously, go away.”
‘Bare Shelves Biden’

A bit before Christmas, President Biden boasted that he had averted the supply-chain crisis: “The much-predicted crisis didn’t occur. Packages are moving. Gifts are being delivered. Shelves are not empty.” White House chief of staff Ron Klain called the supply-chain crisis “an overhyped narrative.” However for the last few weeks across America you can find a ton of stories about empty store shelves. The hashtag #BareShelvesBiden started being promoted by conservatives. Many on the left claimed it was a false narrative, but seeing as there was still no milk, petfood, or paper towels on the shelves this week it is safe to say there are supply-chain issues.
‘Timin’ Biden’
One of the more horrible and disrespectful blunders Joe Biden has shockingly not been given a trending nickname for is constantly checking his watch during the dignified transfer of fallen soldiers from Afghanistan. After this horrific act of disrespect many conservative circles referred to joe Biden as “Timin’ Biden,” but the nickname never really took off. The ceremony was to honor 13 fallen soldiers who were killed by a suicide bomber. Mark Schmitz, whose 20-year-old son, Marine Lance Cpl. Jared Schmitz, who died in the attack, commented to multiple outlets about the situation. “They would release the salute and he looked down at his watch on every last one,” Hoover said. “All 13, he looked down at his watch… I actually leaned into my son’s mother’s ear and I said, ‘I swear to God, if he checks his watch one more time…’,” Schmitz recalled, “and that was only probably four times in. I couldn’t look at him anymore after that, just considering, especially, the time and why we were there. I found it to be the most disrespectful thing I’ve ever seen.” We can’t agree more. Where did you have to be Biden? Why were you openly counting down the time and checking your watch during such a solemn event? Where was the respect for the soldiers that fell for our country?
Written by: Erinn Malloy