Dr. Bryan Ardis is a retired Chiropractor, Certified Acupuncturist and Nutritionist.

He is married to his beautiful wife Jayne, and they live in Dallas, TX, along with their 8 children. In October 2004, The Ardis Healing Center of the Smokies was opened and served thousands of patients in the East TN region. In 2009, Dr. Ardis sold his TN practice, and opened his second clinic in Frisco, TX. In 2018 the clinic was sold to Dr. Tregellas and is still serving people worldwide, under the new name, The North Texas Healing Center.

In 2019, Dr. Ardis and his wife Jayne launched ArdisLabs LLC, a company which has defined its core focus which includes, “Creating Doubt in Big Pharma, and Restoring Faith in Nature ”. As the CEO of ArdisLabs LLC, and the host of The Dr Ardis Show, he is determined to educate, warn and inspire people around the world who share the same values,

Join Jay Dee the Colorado Deplorable as he does battle in the D.C. Swamp, exposing the lies and propaganda of politicians, bureaucrats, the media and big tech.


Sovereigntarian.com is committed to the PEACEFUL restoration of the original intent united States Constitution and original Declaration of Independence as the Supreme Laws of the Land, and the teaching of individuals about their rightful status as Free and Individually Sovereign  Self-determining human beings, amongst other Sovereign Self-determining Human Beings, and that we all have certain Rights and Responsibilities between each other.  As well it is taught that We The Free and Sovereign Individuals are the Rightful Masters of Congress and the Courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the Men and Women who pervert and destroy the Constitution, and That We the Free and Sovereign People are the “CreatorsMasters and Owners”  of any and ALL legitimate government.  That “We Created this government” and rightfully “We OWN IT” and must be heard and respected by OUR government Public “SERVANTS” that we have hired to protect and defend our Freedoms and Liberties, and NOT Destroy, diminish, or infringe upon them, or any and all of our God-given Natural Birth Rights.

At CarPro we bring together on-air radio talent, experienced journalists to bring you the latest news and expert-advice each week.

The independent media has overthrown the established MSM doctrine. JustInformed Talk aims to inform and enlighten the audience by publicly airing his opinion for the community at large to create a forum for a positive discussion. Just Informed Talk will opine the rhetoric necessary to counter the mass media’s artificial narrative through sarcasm, tactile humor, and incredible wit. JustInformed Talk is meant to be a political satire and an opinionated editorial review from a Christian Evangelist perspective. Hope you enjoy!

Hosted by Craig James





Wherefore I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things, though you know them, and be established in the PRESENT TRUTH.

2 Peter 1:12

With Rick Rodriguez


Whether you live in a big house, little house, condo, coop apartment or yurt — when we say Money Pit, its a term of endearment!  It’s a place you love and while it needs constant care and feeding (yes, again – like kids, can you guess we have a bunch?) it’s a place that reflects the best you!

And that’s where we come in.  We’re here to serve as coach, helper or home improvement therapist for your home remodeling, decor or fix up projects.

Special programs picked by the folks at KHNC.

Journalist & Founder of Zeee Media. Share the truth at whatever cost. EXPOSE THEM: Ephesians 5:11



Interesting documentaries.

View Website

This hour-long broadcast deals with some everyday experiences of the hosts as well as open discussions of the challenges of living as a conservative in an increasingly anything goes world.  Topics cove the full range of daily events as they unfold around us, as well as urban survival topics from education to family planning.  In these times of unprecedented change and challenge we hope to shed insight and wisdom to what often seems to be only chaos.

Occasionally we will have businesses on that are integral to the fabric of northern Colorado and communities around us. When time permits listeners are encouraged to call and provide input to our discussions.

View Website

The Taheebo Tea Club is a labor of love, life, and health! Our pure pau d’arco taheebo bark to make taheebo tea is available in our “On-Line Store” which is located near the upper left side of this web page. If you’re not certain whether your online order was successful, just call (818) 610-8088.

In this age of rapidly accelerating technology the threat to our liberties is a very real and present danger. Alex Jones is a unique voice that sifts through the information and exposes the underlying intentions.