Special programs picked by the folks at KHNC.
Special programs picked by the folks at KHNC.
America in the Morning is a live, award-winning news magazine radio show that airs weekdays from 3–4 AM MTN on Westwood One stations. The show is hosted by John Trout and his team of correspondents, and covers news from around the world, including breaking news, politics, entertainment, business, and weather. The show also includes special features like interviews, sports, and Jim Bohannon’s daily segment “The Offbeat”.
Rita’s reality check on this crazy world, with her unique take on the big issues facing us all.
Join Jay Dee Plorable as he does battle in the Swamp, exposing the lies and the propaganda of politicians, bureaucrats, the media and big tech, and talks about current events in his own quirky way.
Special programs picked by the folks at KHNC.
Sovereigntarian.com is committed to the PEACEFUL restoration of the original intent united States Constitution and original Declaration of Independence as the Supreme Laws of the Land, and the teaching of individuals about their rightful status as Free and Individually Sovereign Self-determining human beings, amongst other Sovereign Self-determining Human Beings, and that we all have certain Rights and Responsibilities between each other. As well it is taught that We The Free and Sovereign Individuals are the Rightful Masters of Congress and the Courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the Men and Women who pervert and destroy the Constitution, and That We the Free and Sovereign People are the “Creators, Masters and Owners” of any and ALL legitimate government. That “We Created this government” and rightfully “We OWN IT” and must be heard and respected by OUR government Public “SERVANTS” that we have hired to protect and defend our Freedoms and Liberties, and NOT Destroy, diminish, or infringe upon them, or any and all of our God-given Natural Birth Rights.
Special programs picked by the folks at KHNC.
Crosstalk is a radio talk show heard weekdays on over 135 radio outlets across America and worldwide on the Internet. Crosstalk covers the issues that affect our world, our nation, our families and the Christian church from a Biblical perspective. Issues involve the economy, the political scene, the continuing moral collapse of our nation, legislation that affects the family, or the state of evangelicalism. Host Jim Schneider has worked for over 30 years to bring solid information to the body of Christ.
At CarPro we bring together on-air radio talent, experienced journalists to bring you the latest news and expert-advice each week.
Global Alert News is a commercial free, non-political weekly fact-filled frontline update that covers the most critically important issues we collectively face. Issues like, the ongoing global covert climate engineering operations and their impact on every aspect of our lives. Issues like, unfolding planetary environmental collapse, societies that are already descending into chaos, and where we go from here. What are the corporate media controllers trying to hide from us? The Global Alert News host Dane Wigington has carried out this broadcast (on numerous AM and FM stations) every single week since 2015, without exception.
Featuring Joe Jaquint & Jason Walker
In this age of rapidly accelerating technology the threat to our liberties is a very real and present danger. Alex Jones is a unique voice that sifts through the information and exposes the underlying intentions.
To bring vision to God’s Lampstands: Proverbs 29:18 “Where there is no vision [no revelation of God and His word], the people are unrestrained; But happy and blessed is he who keeps the law [of God].”