
With the main focus and concern of the Biden Administration on renewable energy, now days electric vehicles are becoming more popular each day. 

Start Your Engines

The very first electric vehicles were very slow and did not perform well at all, they also lacked the battery power needed for long road trips, which resulted in a loss of interest for electric vehicles and created more of a want for gasoline and diesel powered vehicles. Since their release, manufacturers of these remarkable vehicles have added better technology and innovation to these vehicles only to make them better by boosting their performance. Now most electric vehicles are able to make very long road trips with one battery charge.


Electric vehicles are becoming a trend today because they are cheaper than fuel operated vehicles. The electric vehicles are also more widely produced making them more affectionate to everyone, also since the electric vehicles have been around for a while, buying them used results in even more savings.

Federal Assistance

Back in 2017, when news about electric vehicles first began to spread nationally, more countries became interested in slowly phasing out gasoline powered vehicles and replacing them with electric vehicles. Both the Ukraine and France plan to have only electric vehicles by the year of 2040, China has plans to do away with gasoline powered vehicles too, however, no timeline for that change has been put into place yet.

future electric

At Home

California will become the first state here in the U.S. to fully ban the sale of gasoline powered vehicles in order to transition to fully electric vehicles by the year of 2035.


With more and more electric vehicles being driven on the road daily, there are currently over 440,000 electric vehicle charging stations across the U.S. Each of these charging stations offer 3 standard charging levels to charge electric cars. All electric cars are able to be charged with level 1 and level 2 stations, these types of chargers offer the same charging power as the ones that you can install at home. Some vehicles can not be charged at level 3 stations. The prices of these charging stations vary by location. At home, the cost of charging electric vehicles should not increase utility bills much at all.

Plugging In

When electric vehicles are parked and sitting idle, they still lose some charging power. If the vehicle is plugged in each day and maintaining a charge level between 20 and 80 percent, the vehicle will lose minimal power. If the vehicle runs out of charge while on the highway, a roadside service truck will tow the vehicle to the nearest charging station.

The Road Ahead

As electric vehicles are slowly becoming a reality, what we know of now as gas stations will still be here, however, many of them will be turned into public parks or charging stations for the electric vehicles keeping our roads full and the vehicles rolling on the road, one charge at a time.

Gary Taylor

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